So the other day, my dad asks me to apply at this car repair company as a customer sales rep. I'm kind of confused about it, but I agree to do it anyway. Looking over the application, it doesn't seem like I'm even qualified to apply for this job, and I'm not terribly excited about the prospect of doing the job, but remembering my dad's urgent request, I fill out the application, turn it in, and don't really think anything of it.
The day before yesterday, I get a call from the company, asking me to do a phone interview with them the next day. So, I agree, and prepare for the interview, which happened yesterday. The interview went pretty well, and the interviewer says that she will call me the next day in the afternoon. That evening, while telling my dad about the whole ordeal, he tells me that he knows a big wig at the company, and asked him to push me through to employment. I'm almost mad at my dad for not telling me about this. I mean, here I was, thinking I was doing so well, when maybe someone has just been ordered to push me through to employment. Gah. Anyway, they have yet to call "this afternoon" and it's already 5:30. But who knows, maybe they got backed up or something. Of course, the worst-case scenario is going through my head (but I won't bore you with the details of that). I'm still holding out hope... I feel like Princess Leia in Star Wars Episode IV, repeating: "Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."