1. I picked this picture because recently I've been acting completely ridiculous. :P It's also a reference to a commercial that I love: http://tinyurl.com/2g7go89
2. I have four best friends. When I get married, I'm going to be screwed trying to pick a maid of honor.
3. I am a vegetarian and have been since I was four years old.
4. I am a Creative Writing major (French and Business minors) at THE Bowling Green State University. I'm also a sophomore.
5. I am a Christian, but recently I have really been giving my life to God, and I'm loving every moment of it
6. I think I have a special talent for killing plants. I strangle them with love... I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes care of my dog at home, haha
7. I have been to France--only for a few days-- and I want to go back. But not to study abroad... just to absorb the atmosphere. Paris is my favorite city on the planet.
8. I am a writer. I wish I could motivate myself to write every day... that's probably partially why I bought all those writer's idea books over the summer... and I definitely need to work on my motivation... haha
9. I am in LOVE with the show Castle. If you've never seen it, you need to. :) http://tinyurl.com/28xkxsv
10. I play the clarinet, and next semester, I was unable to fit Uni Band into my schedule, so it will be the first time in almost NINE YEARS that I won't be playing in an organized band for the whole school year. I'm pretty sad about this fact...
11. I want to get my masters in Library Science and be a librarian by day, novelist by night.
12. I love getting mail. I know, everyone says that, but I'm kind of ridiculous about it. Sometimes, I feel like I order things online just so I can get it in the mail.
13. I am not afraid of the number thirteen. It is one of my favorite numbers... part of the reason why 26 is my all-time favorite number is because it's 13 times 2. And Fridays the Thirteenth are some of the best days, in my opinion. :)
14. When I was a little girl, I wanted a pet komodo dragon and a chinese alligator, not a pony. But my favorite animal is the wolf. (they never seem to have wolf stuff in stores...)
15. I'm a terrible procrastinator. I'm doing it right now, actually-- I should have used this time to write an ode (due in my Craft of Poetry class tomorrow), but I didn't.
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