"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." -Anton Chekhov

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 10: Plans/dreams/goals you have.

1. I definitely plan on writing a novel within the next year or so. I am going to write one for my Honors Project next year, so I'll already have a solid manuscript when I graduate. (that way, it'll be that much easier to get published)
2. Probably my biggest dream is to see a book I wrote on the shelves of Barnes & Noble, Borders, and "wherever books are sold." It doesn't have to be a best-seller, but it wouldn't hurt. ;)
3. I want to incorporate my faith into my writing so I can spread the Word through the pages of my books. I think that is truly what God is calling me to do. :)
4. I want to travel to a bunch of places (see day #4's post) :)
5. Although this is WAY in the future, I definitely want to have a family of my own, and I want to adopt kids. The world's so overpopulated, and every kid deserves to be loved. :)

And... well, I'm sure I have more, I just can't think of them now. Haha.

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