"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." -Anton Chekhov

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 6: Short term goals for this month and why.

Since it's almost the end of the month, these will be for next month, November. I'll think of 11 goals for the 11th month...
1. Stop biting my fingernails! As I mentioned in Day 2's entry, I have a bad habit of biting my fingernails... Hopefully, I'll be able to at least make progress in this area.
2. Write EVERY DAY. It is National Novel Writing Month in November, but I don't think I'll be able to participate this year. Although I am working on a concept right now, I don't have a story ready. I DO however, have five new writing books to draw from, so I should be able to get some good daily exercises out of those.
3. Read the Bible every day. I have been doing this, up until recently. This program that I'm in at my church had us read the four Gospels in 8 weeks. I'll admit, I've gotten a bit behind schedule (as I'm still in John and the program ends next week), but I do want to finish that task and continue reading through the New Testament.
4. Figure out my housing situation for next year. It's kind of complicated, and I'll spare you the details, but what I thought was pretty much set in stone about where I was going to live next year was just shattered... so I will have to figure out where I am going to spend the next year of my college career.
5. Vote! This will technically be in November, so I'm counting it. I still have to research the candidates to see who I should vote for (and I already have my absentee ballot), so it's still an important task.
6. Find and buy Christmas presents for my friends and family. On a budget, might I add. It's better to get it out of the way now than when I have finals to worry about in early December.
7. Keep up on all my homework (and maybe even get ahead!) As I've said before, I'm a chronic procrastinator, so sometimes homework (especially large projects) are quite difficult. I'm hoping to better manage my time so I can get to do everything that needs to be done (and things I want to do, too).
8. Finish re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows before the movie premiere(!) on the 19th. :)
9. Have another HAM night with my best friends at BG. We've all been so busy with all of our schedules lately that it's hard to hang out much anymore. I want to savor the time we have together...
10. Wear makeup at least 5 days a week. I think it helps with my appearance (even if it's just a mental thing), but I always forget to do it in the morning, or I feel too lazy to do it, even if I do remember.
11. Focus more of my life on God. Just generally trust him more. Also, I might be getting baptized... stay tuned. :)

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