"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." -Anton Chekhov

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 14: Something you crave a lot.

Lately, I've been craving a few things:
1. Cheese quesadillas. I've become somewhat obsessed with them this school year, haha. But I don't always have the money / mealplan to get some. So I usually end up craving them for a few weeks before I break down and buy one. (haha)
2. Popcorn and ice cream, especially if I haven't been home in awhile. These foods really remind me of home, because I LOVE popcorn (I have my own popcorn maker and everything) and I always serve my dad ice cream (it's kind of a tradition).
3. Baked mac & cheese! (also if I haven't been home in awhile)
4. As much as I say I have a Peter Pan complex, sometimes I crave change. A lot of the time, it's with my hair-- dying it a funky color, or cutting it in a crazy way (which is weird... because I hardly ever change my hair...). Lately, I've wanted to try minking my hair-- keeping the top layers blonde and dying the bottom ones dark purple-- but we'll see if that works out.
5. Sometimes, I just crave to be with certain people... I think everybody gets like that, especially if you miss the person in question.
6. Of course, I get cravings to write quite a bit. :) Such is the life of a writer...

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